Sustainable Agriculture on Safe Food Production Systems



Actually, the human societies worldwide need the agriculture and livestock for their survival. In fact, the agriculture activities can be considered as the basic support of the developing. However, the maintenance of relation within the agricultural resource base (e.g. land, water, biodiversity) has become a challenge for the safety food production. Especially due to the utilization of agricultural inputs (Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, growth regulators, etc), which leads to higher production, but these might harm the environment and human health. The idea of sustainability is defined as “meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” according to the World Commission on Environment and Development of the United Nations. This term, sounds an environmental friendly system with positive impact on human healthy and guarantee the production of their needs. The currently presentation will focus on the main aspects of sustainable agriculture and how it can affect the whole society.

Dr. Cruz got the PhD in Plant Resources Production – Pomology from Ehime University – Japan in 2001. Currently he is a lecturer at Kyoto Prefectural University