Primitive Accumulation and the Production of Space in the Construction of Nature in Sao Paulo.

José Paulo GOUVÊA


The lecture will discuss how the social and economic transformations that took place in the late nineteenth century in Sao Paulo appear in the urbanization of the city.  Based on the establishment of the modern land property and wage labor, this process, called “primitive accumulation”, started from the expropriation of land and importation of immigrant labour.  This process also structured the space of the city and can be observed in its historical cartography. Those events determined the way that natural resources appears in the city, especially its relation with urban waters and rivers. Keywords: Sao Paulo city, Urbanization, Cartography, Rivers.

Mr. Gouvêa Associate Professor of Architectural Design at the “Escola da Cidade” School of Architecture in Sao Paulo. Principal architect in charge at JPG.ARQ architectural office in Sao Paulo. He completed the Master course and is currently a PhD candidate at the Technology Department of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo.